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Wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity to the human spirit.

–Edward Abbey

HighlandFrog Project
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Our Mission

HighlandFrog Project provides veterans with a renewed sense of team, support from fellow veterans, as well as a platform to network, and build relationships. Through team building and adventure trips into remote wildernesses, along distant trails, and in alpine terrains, veterans will revive their mission and ease the stresses of transition by working together to achieve a common goal.

Our Story

HighlandFrog Project’s team is a group of veterans that are outdoor enthusiasts from varying walks and backgrounds. As outdoor adventurers, we have always found solace in nature and often explored with fellow veterans prior to the beginning of HFP.  It was during these excursions that we discovered nature’s soothing effects on the warrior. began as an information-based outdoor website that provides details to help fellow outdoor adventurers succeed in the backcountry. However, being ever aware of the therapeutic impact of nature, we founded HighlandFrog Project through to assist veterans with the transition from service, and to also provide them with a like-minded community to connect.

Get Involved

We appreciate your interest in HighlandFrog Project!  As you may know, there are far too many veterans dealing with stress on their own; stress that only fellow veterans can understand.  These matters vary depending on the person and their experiences.  Many veterans carry deep wounds while others still crave the challenge, intensity, and community that the military requires.


 Often times such connections are lost after separation, which can create a distance between veterans and civilian society.  With your support, we provide significant and therapeutic backcountry involvement in a community of like-minded warriors with similar experiences.  In the peace of nature, the tensions of post-military life are forgotten and the focus is shifted to the exhilaration of adventure within a team.  These excursions not only facilitate a partnership for the common goal at hand, they allow participants to connect and work together to overcome any challenge. 


While peace in nature is free, there are also costs.  Our chief expenses include: facilitating trips, supplying essential gear, providing food, and transporting participants. 


Your support is essential.


It guarantees the accomplishment of our mission in assisting veterans while they transition into civilian society.  Your support will also help veterans gain a community outside of the military while facing challenges head on through HighlandFrog Project.  


You can donate by selecting the “Donate” option on this page or through the HighlandFrog Project tab. 


Thank you in advance for your support!

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Our Purpose

HighlandFrog Project is a veteran for veteran 501(c)3 nonprofit that believes there is no greater way to center your mental, physical, and emotional well-being than experiencing the tranquility of pristine backcountry.  By facilitating excursions, guided by our veteran team, alongside fellow veterans through deep woods, over alpine passes, and along desert canyons, HighlandFrog Project assists veterans in gaining the basic needs of support and community to live a healthy life and connect outside of the military. 

No two veterans share the exact experiences in service, however, while working together over rugged terrain, each will help the other not only with the present challenges faced on the trail, but with inner challenges that only a fellow veteran understands.  HighlandFrog Project assists the transition from military life to civilian life by gathering veterans of varying experiences for a common goal. 


In doing so, HighlandFrog Project enables participants to work together, relate, and network in the peace of nature while accomplishing a common goal.  This goal could be summiting a mountain, traversing a distant trail or scrambling steep rock faces.  No matter what the challenge, all will prevail.   

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